Monday, September 12, 2011

Chemistry For Me

When i was still a freshman in my secondary school, one day, i passed by a laboratory in which there were a lots of seniors busy doing their experiments. I was amazed by looking at
them, pouring some solution from a test tube into another test tube , a while, the color changed or there was a colored layer on top of the clear solution, even at that time, i witnessed all these through the window. Then, years after years, i stepped into my forth year of secondary school, that was the time i knew, what they were doing is a part of chemistry; the wonders of chemistry !!

At first, my chemistry wasn't good.. too many 'alien' and scientific terms to memorize and the teacher is strict . Somehow, my batch was the very first to learn all science subjects in English and the teacher can't really communicate well with us in English. So, even we raised questions, her answers never clear and will only make us " lost in the jungle" . I was kinda stress at that time. However, even i don't really enjoy the theory class, but my spirit towards chemistry always get 'ignited' when come to lab classes. It was just so FUN to
prepare all sort of chemicals, undergo the process of mixing, boiling, crystallization,
filtration and so on to get the final observation.

Then, my basic of chemistry was built by my tution teacher - Mr Tan. From him
, i realized the common table salt that we used is sodium chloride ; the mystery of why
ice cubes can float in the water; the rusting of iron is due to redox reaction and so on. Then, he taught us how to balance the chemical equation, how to calculate molarity, no of moles, as well as what reagents or indicators to use in the experiments for determination. Becauseof him, my chemistry results were always in flying colors. He was one of the 'elements' who advised me to carry on my studies as a Pharmacist due to my passionate in Chemistry.

Then, i entered college as a Pharmacy students, learning Chemistry in details ( due to Organic Chemistry and Physical Chemistry ) . I felt stress again in the theory class, due to
the same reason while i was still in my secondary school. However, luckily, the pretty strong foundation i built from secondary school aided me through the very stressful 2 semesters. Although it was quite tough, but the lab still FUN as usual even we will have to clean, wipe and dry the apparatus before we leave the lab ( can you imagine we have to wrap tissue around glass rod, use our 'newly invented tool' to wipe the inner side of test tube -.-" ) . Now, i am doing my Pharmaceutical Chemistry, a branch from Chemistry which deal more specifically with how to design, synthesis and do testing for a pharmaceutical agents---->drugs ~

I appreciate a lot in this Pharmaceutical Chemistry, as for the very first time, i got a 'GOOD' lecturer in my chemistry subject. She taught me a lot and even come out with very colorful ways to ease us from squeezing so many assays, properties, reactions, and names of chemical compounds into our brain !! The most important thing is I don't have to 'create
more ' mummy-like glass rod ' to dry the test tube =p

After so many years of studying chemistry subjects, if you would ask me what chemistry is to me i will say chemistry is a studies of what matter is and how the properties of matter can affect a process, for example, diffusion of particles ( no matter gas or colored ) happen in gas or liquid medium in short period of time but more time consuming in solid medium ( eg : agar ) due to the arrangement of particles of the medium * more space for diffusion to
occur in liquid and gas medium due to their particles are loosely arrange if compared to solid * . Also, Chemistry is not only just a branch of science but it is a pathway that enlighten my interest to study Pharmacy as through Pharmaceutical Chemistry, i understand the drugs that we took are the wonderful products of chemistry and it was amazing to learn how the combination of compounds and complicated structures can treat illnesses =D

Although it is tough in the process of gaining more knowledge of Chemistry, but i am sure the passionate and curiosity that i have on it will drive me through all the difficulties =p In the future.. one day, i might use the knowledge that i have to synthesize one drug to treat cancer, perhaps XD